We are now very pleased to announce that a better solution has been negotiated with the Chief Health Officer who has approved an adjustment to the Plan, with a checklist that transport operators can follow to allow up to 50 passengers onto coaches and boats, with eased social distancing requirements. Lager vessels may still follow the Plan’s general provisions and, subject to the space available, carry greater numbers. The Plan has now been updated and is uploaded on the QTIC website and the official government website. The checklist can be found at the end of the Tourism and Accommodation Industry COVID-Safe plan and is also available as a separate Word template.
These additional provisions allowing for up to 50 passengers, subject to the operator following the checklist, will come into effect from noon today, 3 July 2020.
QTIC appreciates the engagement of members and stakeholders who were central to achieving this outcome. We also acknowledge the cooperation and support from the involved government agencies and the Office of the Chief Health Officer. The willingness of all parties to find solutions and compromises for these complex issues is exceptional and greatly valued by QTIC. Thank you.